Hello! My name is Jake Gibson, a User Experience Designer based in Chicago, Illinois.


Adobe Photoshop


Adobe Illustrator


PowerBi and Data Visualization








Attention to Detail

〰️ Adobe Photoshop 〰️ Adobe Illustrator 〰️ PowerBi and Data Visualization 〰️ Excel 〰️ Figma 〰️ Teams 〰️ Attention to Detail

Jake Gibson, a senior at DePaul University studying User Experience Design, manages the Instagram account @SuburbanMemories, exploring innovative sneaker designs and clothing aesthetics. With a deep understanding of optimal user experiences gained through education, Jake employs industry-standard software like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator for carefully crafted projects on the page, showcasing four years of skill growth in these programs.

SuburbanMemories, my personal project, involves creating conceptual designs inspired by themes ranging from designer clothing to food items, serving as an exploration of Photoshop design. My profound passion lies in footwear design, finding fulfillment in seeing a design integrate seamlessly into someone's daily attire or sneaker rotation.

In my SuburbanMemories journey, I've crafted clothing designs, graphics, and social media videos to foster growth. Over 18 months, consistent posting and collaboration with fellow footwear design enthusiasts have led to a substantial following of 7,000, marking a significant milestone in this creative venture.

More of my work can be found in the pages below!

Let’s Work Together!

I’m always looking for new opportunities and ways to create beautiful things. Lets create something perfect together.